Sarp Aykent

SaVeNet: A Scalable Vector Network for Enhanced Molecular Representation Learning Image

SaVeNet: A Scalable Vector Network for Enhanced Molecular Representation Learning

Sarp Aykent, Tian Xia

Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023) , (Acceptance Rate: 26.1%)

GBPNet: Universal Geometric Representation Learning on Protein Structures Image

GBPNet: Universal Geometric Representation Learning on Protein Structures

Sarp Aykent, Tian Xia

Proceedings of the 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining (KDD 2022) , (Acceptance Rate: 14.99%)

AARef: Exploiting Authorship Identifiers of Micro-Messages with Refinement Blocks Image

AARef: Exploiting Authorship Identifiers of Micro-Messages with Refinement Blocks

Sarp Aykent, Gerry Dozier

2020 19th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) , December 2020, Pages 1044-1050

Author Identification of Micro-Messages via Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks Image

Author Identification of Micro-Messages via Multi-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks

Sarp Aykent, Gerry Dozier

2020 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC) , October 2020, Pages 675-681

Author Identification via a Distributed Neural-Evolutionary Hybrid (DiNEH) Image

Author Identification via a Distributed Neural-Evolutionary Hybrid (DiNEH)

Sarp Aykent, Gerry Dozier

2020 SoutheastCon , March 2020, Pages 1-6

© 2024, Sarp Aykent.